
Posted: January 12, 2016 by Infamously Johnny

30Daysof30Faves is a End-of-Year Countdown like no other. Did we mention that our birthdays are also a reason for 30 days of 30 since we are turning 30, 30 days apart! (Crazy right?) So to commence us reaching a milestones we celebrated with our favorite 30 things about Charleston as homage to the beautiful city that we have been apart!

Your next question probably is “Why?” well simply we want to increase and encourage diversity, unity, and minority inclusion in the Charleston Tourism Market while promoting and creating Awareness and Recognition by those who are unaware of Signature Charleston Brands that are nothing short of classics.

So come celebrate with your two favorite curly ladies who talk cocktails daily and show your support for those living with Lupus by attending our Awareness Fundraiser.

Graphic by Sherard Moultrie-Brown
Graphic by Sherard Moultrie-Brown

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