Trappy Hour 2021

The awarding winning live hip hop event is back and even Trappier. Meet us at The Royal American on December 1st for the Winter edition of Charleston’s favorite Sunday night party.

Trappy Hour features performances by local artists with 75% of the music played throughout the night coming from Charleston independent artists. Shejay TO will be creating the vibes for the evening. Doors Open at 8PM.

Enjoy delicious Espolòn Tequila + Reb Bull cocktails all night! #GentleLadySips

Holiday Cocktail Class

Learn how to make an amazing cocktail for the holidays, see some Zyia fashions and be entered to win a signed copy of the cocktail book made by these beautiful ladies!

Presented by Jeanne Malota – Independent Ziya Representative

Tek Cyear uh de Root – Beer Panel Discussion

During Charleston Beer Week, we offer a celebration of community through food and drink, deconstructing historic prejudice and rebuilding critical connections for a new generation.

Based on the research and writing that uncovered the historical connections, and divides, of Charleston communities that remain today, the Tek Cyear uh de Root Festival aims to use food, drink, and conversation to better understand today’s inequitable spaces, and how they were originally constructed. With empathy and understanding, we believe that we are all responsible for taking care of that root.

Historic celebrations like The Charleston Schützenfest were used to isolate, intimidate, and disenfranchise Charleston community members. We aim to leverage a similar power to connect and rebuild those same connections in the present. We aim to get at the root.

Join us for an evening of beer drinking, dish passing, and deliberate conversation featuring Gullah Geechee artisans and food vendors, beers from Commonhouse Aleworks and Edmund’s Oast Brewing Company, music from The Dance Doctors, and a panel discussion with Good Beer Hunting writer, Jamaal Lemon, and The Cocktail Bandits, Johnny Caldwell and Taneka Reaves, moderated by KJ Kearney of Black Food Fridays.

A Red Sunflower Website